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1999 Season

training log 1998
august 27, 1998

buddy run - rancho san antonio

this run sucked!!!

I think I was tired and still nursing soreness from the track workout on Tuesday because after the first 15 minutes I still didn't feel like I was warmed up. That yucky first mile feeling never went away. My right knee also was hurting. I think my IT bands are tight as well as my shins so the support around my knee is shot.

So I ended up walking most of the run tonight. I ran most of the first 25 minutes and decided I didn't want to get hurt so I turned around and walked back to the parking lot. I will rest tomorrow and Saturday and will try to run on Sunday.

Since I am going out of town this weekend I am going to miss the runner's clinic on Saturday and the time trials on Sunday. Vince said for those of us missing Sunday - we are to try and run 6 miles. So I will try.