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1999 Season
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August 1998
Dear Friends,
When I moved to California almost 3 years ago, I made a promise that this would be a turning point. I would go to the gym, enjoy the sun and weather (especially after the Rochester winters) and gradually I have become a 'California Girl'.
When I made that promise to myself, I never dreamed that my journey would lead me to the place I am today. As I found myself approaching 35, I felt a need to give something back. So on my 35th birthday, I made the commitment. I joined the Team in Training program offered by the Leukemia Society and have accepted the challenge to run a marathon. YES a marathon. You are probably thinking all that sun has gone to my head. But I am excited and serious about this challenge.
Through the Team in Training program, I receive coaching and training support to prepare me to run the 26.2 miles. In return I have pledged to raise $3000 to support the fight for a cure. Together with the rest of the Northern California Team, we will raise over two million dollars this fall to help fund research and patient support.
My inspiration for all of this is a small boy named Galen. Galen is 3 years old and was recently diagnosed with Leukemia. Galen is a typical 3 year old: full of energy and smiles. He likes to color and likes Toy Story and Peter Pan. He does well with his trips to the clinic and is about to begin the major part of his treatment. His parents are encouraged by the success rate of treatment and the support of the Team in Training team.
Leukemia is the number one killing disease of children yet affects 10 times as many adults. The cause is unknown but great strides have been made in treatment methods and advances in research bring us closer to finding a cure for leukemia and its related cancers.
I know you get a ton of requests for contributions every day and that you are not always sure where your money goes. It is important for you to know that the Leukemia Society of America is a leader in non-profit organizations and that they refuse to spend more than 25% of donations on overhead (salaries, electricity, heat, Team in Training expenses) You can be assured that 75¢ of every dollar goes to fund research and patient support.
The passion for the program that I witnessed in a friend (who has become my mentor) last year prompted me to seek it out for myself. The personal physical challenge is just one aspect. Team support, training from world class, Olympian level coaches, support and encouragement from my mentor and team captain and most of all the small smiling face of Galen are incredible motivating factors for my success.
I am honored to run for a cure for cancer and hope that you will accept the challenge with me by sending your donations for the Leukemia Society to me by October 1st. If that isn't possible, I will gladly accept your donation (and support) after that date. Be a part of my team and donate generously.
I have put together a web site so you can follow my progress (both physically and fiscally) and follow the training program. The URL is http://www.emdezine.com/TeamInTraining. Check it out often.
Thanks for your help and I will keep you posted on my progress.