What’s coming next?

The other night at dinner, a friend asked how the book was coming and what part I was working on now. I mentioned I was writing about communication and activity and about to start a chapter in our “What’s Next” section of the book. The question started us talking about what IS coming next? Everything…

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to consider in the new year

from the blog TheHappinessProject a post about new year’s resolutions and writing up your personal commandments. The author has her 12 for the year but at the end of the post she listed these items out that others had shared. The bolded items are ones I think I will pay special attention to this coming…

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Worth Watching

BJ Fogg and a bunch of other really smart people from Stanford are looking at the psychology of Facebook and how persuasion in the social environment affects behavior. They are collecting essays into a book and are curating it online in a public way. The table of contents is up for review and there is…

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yes we can! wow!

last night as the polls were closing and the election data was coming in, I stayed up to date by flipping around the tv channels AND visiting several websites. I was impressed by the interactive maps and information design of the NYTimes and MSNBC. Both sites had very clear information, fun interactions to get more…

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sometimes life gets in the way

i have had grandiose plans to blog frequently but then lately lots of things have come up and i keep forgetting. the book writing is in full swing and we are working through how to share the patterns in progress with the community. we have a blog and a wiki set up over on our…

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Moderating People

There is a really good article in the San Francisco Chronicle today about the Community team at flickr – run by Heather Champ. The article discusses the dilemmas and decisions the team Heather leads makes when confronted with millions of people interacting and sometimes misbehaving. Part art, part rulebook, a lot of gut on just…

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thoughts on transitions

i was having a phone conversation today with a potential client and professional colleague when she asked me if i had thought about submitting a proposal to the IA Summit – for the management track – about my transition out of traditional management. We were talking about my transition from being a manager of managers,…

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