Information Age: The dot com boom and bust, rise of e-commerce & social platforms, accessible to universal—intro lecture 13

I share screenshots of my first website and we all laughed at how primitive it was This week we are going to ride the dot com boom and bust as the internet becomes a viable place for interaction designers. We’ve already talked about early communities moving from BBSs onto the web and AOL making the…

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Computer Age: The World Wide Web, The Browser, Early Communities (The Well, BBSes, Usenet) — intro lecture 10

Where Interaction Design History and my personal history as a designer begin to overlap Once folks start having computers in their homes, they want to do more than just create files. They want to connect with and talk with other people. In the 1980’s and early 1990’s software called Bulletin Board systems started appearing. There…

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Silicon Age: Visioning the future & the beginnings of Interaction Design as a practice — intro lecture 7

We finally start to hear about the origins of Interaction Design as a distinct practice. It still doesn’t have the official name yet but Bill Verplank, talks about the work of doing interaction design. Read about the concepts for the Personal Dynamic Media — Dynabook — concept put forward by Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg…

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Silicon Age: The Mother of All Demos — and my how the world changed — intro lecture 6 from my Interaction Design History course

This is a short intro as the content of the videos covers everything needed to think about in this section. So far in our journey we’ve seen the evolution of symbols and pictographs into our current alphabets, as well as the birth of printing, type design and graphic design. We’ve explored the rise of industrial…

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Industrial Age: Mid-Century Designers, Designing For People —intro lecture 5 from my Interaction Design History course

When designers designed across disciplines and brought learnings from one discipline to another After WWII the U.S. enters a time of incredible innovation and expansion in design. Thousands of GIs return from the war and start families. They take advantage of the GI bill to further their education and they come back to the workforce….

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Industrial Age: The Industrial Revolution & Manifestos — intro lecture 3 from History of Interaction Design

The Machine Revolutionizes the World and our field begins to find sparks The industrial revolution starts around 1760 and lasts nearly 100 years. By the 1800’s steam engines and steel come into play, resulting in the railroad which opens up travel and commerce possibilities beyond what people had seen before. Starting in England, but spreading…

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