@halvorson sounds like fun – a…
@halvorson sounds like fun – and a great lineup too!
@halvorson sounds like fun – and a great lineup too!
@livlab we know – there is hidden stuff behind the wall that will be more social soon
have a conference call with a client and then a new client pitch this afternoon – busy busy
@cfox74 I hate when that happens – I have a very water curious cat as well. No glass is safe – anywhere.
@maadonna there will eventually be a spreadsheet with the nitty gritty content details per page – but wanted to do a quick visual overview
@russu haven’t seen these – pointer? On his site I found Visio tools but I am on a mac with Omnigraffle.
@halvorson I’m kinda doing that but was wondering if there were other magic tricks
anybody have a good way to show content modules in page blocks in a site architecture diagram – not wireframes yet?
I just finished the second pair of weeks as part of the firm Tangible. Things have really started to pick up. In the last two weeks, I have put together 4 project proposals, met with 3 potential clients in person and 2 by phone. I have had lunches and coffees with a couple of developers…
I have just finished my first two weeks with Tangible ux. I am acclimating to working from home and have to make the extra effort to stay in touch with friends – dinners, brunch, events etc. – rather than relying on socializing at work. I am tending to get a LOT more done in general,…
So technically I am on vacation until the 1st of August, when the new company officially begins. Of course, this first day was spent being very busy finishing up a photo project for submission tomorrow. Supposedly being on vacation and “getting away”, I found myself checking in frequently to my email, my IM, my facebook…
So folks are asking about what the next adventure is and where I am going. I can finally share… On August 1st, the partners of BranchLogic – Bruce Charonnet and James Young – and I – formerly of Yahoo! – will be creating a new company called Tangible user experience. [website in the works] I…
Hiring and building teams is something I think I do fairly well. I have hired a fair number of people over the last ten years. Thinking about the processes I have learned for hiring and the types of people who have been on my teams, I have come to see a common thread. I hire…
so yesterday I told my team that I am leaving Yahoo! after 4 1/4 years. i am torn about this move – super excited about the next step in my life and career (more on this later) but sad about the prospect of leaving Yahoo! the company is being whipped about in the press daily…