YES! I want to contribute to the Leukemia Society and be a part of Erin's team.
(Please select the appropriate contribution below)
_______ $26.20 "A buck a mile, not too bad"
_______ $50.00 "I think you can, I think you can..."
_______ $75.00 "You go girl!"
_______ $100.00 "Wow!! The sun really has gone to your head!"
_______ $200.00 "You owe me..."
_______ $500.00 "You owe me big..."
_______ $3000.00 "I just made a killing in the stock market and am trying to avoid capital gains tax!"
_______ $ Create your own
Please make your checks payable to the Leukemia Society of America and mail it back to me by October 1st. If that isn't possible, I will gladly accept your donation (and support) after that date.
Erin Malone
107 S. Mary Ave. #135
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Don't forget to keep checking the website and follow my progress.
Your contribution is 100% tax deductible.
( ) Check if you would like to receive a receipt for your tax deductible donation.
Name: ___________________________________
Address: ________________________________
City/State/Zip: _________________________
email: __________________________________
If you would like to charge your contribution to your credit card:
MC/VISA (circle one) #:________________________
Name on card: _________________________________
Expiration date: ______________________________
Signature: ____________________________________