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Monday 10| 8|01
CSS is your friend

It seems that, along with everyone else, I have been experiementing with redesigning my site using strictly CSS for positioning. This takes me back to the days of hand coding HTML and not really being sure of what you were going to get.

I started sketching and had the idea to use some of the images that I have been posting in my other log as imagery for everything - I am using an SSI call to refresh the main sidebar image everytime you come to the page. Then I saw that EH was thinking about redesign and suddenly there everyone was doing the CSS thing.

Comments are - as always - welcome. I have looked at these pages in IE5 (Mac), NS 6 (Mac), Opera (Mac), NS 4(Mac - layout doesn't come through - but you can read everything), IE 5 (PC) and NS 6 (PC). So far so good. Let me know what you think. I have a lot of pages on the site - so it will be awhile before everything is implemented.


Posted by erin at 06:24 PM | in Techniques

EM Design is home to the resume and portfolio of Erin Malone.
site updated every now and then :: copyright 1995-2020 Erin K. Malone
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DUX—Five Lessons Learned

Coloring Outside the Lines

Modeling the Creative Organization

Coming of Age

Talking With Jesse James Garrett

The Tool Makes the (Wo)man

AIGA Experience Design Summit #5 - Recap

AIGA Experience Design - past, present and future: An interview with Terry Swack and Clement Mok

Summit Beginnings: Saturday

Chicken Run: Summit Closing: Sunday

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Foreseeing the future: The legacy of Vannevar Bush

Learning from the Powers of Ten